Dr. Gaurav Chawla is a renowned Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Advanced Endoscopist from Kanpur city of Uttar Pradesh. He has gained rich experience in the field of Gastro due to his active practice of almost a decade.

Dr. Chawla accomplished MBBS in 2005 and MD (Internal Medicine) in 2009 from Manipal University. He was recognised with University Gold Medal and 'Best Outgoing Student' Award for his outstanding performance during MD. Dr. Chawla further pursued... [+]

  • Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India (SGEI) for advanced Endoscopy Centre (April 2015).


Metastasis of renal cell carcinoma to the duodenal papilla. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2014 Sep; 33 (5); 493-4.
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Serum HBsAg quantification in treatment. Naive. Indian J Gastroenterol. 2014 Mar 20; 33(21(); 131-5. Indian Patients with chronic hepatitis.
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MBBS- Manipal University (2005).
MD (Internal Medicine)- Manipal University (2009).
DM (Gastro)- CMC Vellore (2013).